Sam Hall

Sam Hall is originally from West Yorkshire, UK and now lives in St Ives, Cornwall, UK. He has been making pots since 1995.

“On the wall in St Ives based potter, Sam Hall’s studio is a single word, scored into the dust-covered plaster. ‘Fight’ it says. It strikes me as a call to arms, an imperative note to self that though life might be a struggle, success can be achieved through a willingness to engage and do battle..a glance at one of Hall’s pots, a work in progress on the floor, reveals another lone word. ‘Tune’ has been etched onto one side of the form which resembles a truncated crushed cylinder, but again, its appearance is inexplicable. ‘I don’t know why I wrote it’ says Hall. The Yorkshire born potter is not being difficult or evasive. His work, which is celebrated internationally, often makes use of random words whose origin is hall’s subconscious but whose meaning is never static or fixed.”
Words by Alex Wade. Extracted from, “The Paradoxical Perfectionist’.