LSG presents

Sam Lock

The World We Live In

For all enquiries please contact LSG

+44(0) 1872 275757     [email protected]

The World We Live In publication

£20 inc p&p

Lock (b.1973) studied at Edinburgh College of Art and Edinburgh University, graduating in 1997 with MA’s in both Fine Art and Art History.

He won a scholarship to travel to Rome in 1995, where he explored the relationship between history, archaeology, and the processes of painting. This preoccupation continues to inform the conceptual basis that underpins his practice. Change is a process, not an event; there is a continual flow and movement around us and in us. Locks paintings are created in this space, and the way they communicate relies upon it. Lock’s paintings don’t rely on a system or fixed process but through an energy that is built on Change and Chance, organic and unscripted. Each painting, sculpture, or space follows its own path until there is a balance between presence and absence; where there are silences and hiding places that are both poetic and activating.

Inside Sam Lock’s most recent body of work, he continues to explore the ambiguities of the human consciousness. But this master…

Marie Louise Jones

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Sam Lock
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Exhibiting from13th November to11th December 2021.