Neil Canning

122x91cm oil on canvas

30x19cm mixed media on panel

60x60cm mixed media on panel

30x19.2 mixed media on panel

28.5x18cm mixed media on panel

30x31cm mixed media on panel

31x30cm mixed media on panel

76x91cm oil on canvas

66x132cm oil on canvas

30x35cm mixed media on panel

91x91cm mixed media on canvas

60x60cm mixed media on panel

60x60cm mixed media on panel

60x60cm mixed media on panel

30x31cm mixed media on panel

30x31cm mixed media on panel

30x31cm mixed media on panel

30x31cm mixed media on panel

30x35cm mixed media on panel

30x35cm mixed media on panel

60x60cm mixed media on panel

30x35cm mixed media on panel

91x91cm mixed media on canvas

91x91cm mixed media on canvas

100x300cm oil on canvas

18.5x56.5cm mixed media on paper

18.5x56.5cm mixed media on paper

18.5x56.5cm mixed media on paper

91x91cm oil on canvas

37.5x56.5cm mixed media on paper

37.5x56.5cm mixed media on paper

66x61cm oil on canvas

100x300cm oil on canvas

31x30cm mixed media on panel

35x30cm mixed media on panel

30x35cm mixed media on panel

31x30cm mixed media on panel

91x91cm oil on canvas

37.5x56.5cm mixed media on paper

25.5x56.5cm mixed media on paper

25.5x37.5cm mixed media on paper

25.5x37.5cm mixed media on paper

25.5x37.5cm mixed media on paper

60x60cm mixed media on panel

35x30cm mixed media on panel

91x91cm mixed media on canvas

60x60cm mixed media on panel

76x91cm oil on canvas

30x35cm mixed media on panel

122x183cm oil on canvas

31x30cm mixed media on panel

31x30cm oil on panel

30x35cm mixed media on panel

35x30cm mixed media on panel

30x35cm mixed media on panel

30x35cm mixed media on panel

30x35cm mixed media on panel

30x35cm mixed media on panel

30x35cm mixed media on panel

60x60cm mixed media on panel

66x132cm mixed media on canvas

30x31cm mixed media on panel

60x60cm mixed media on panel

35x30cm mixed media on panel

30x31cm mixed media on panel

31x30cm mixed media on panel

30x17.3cm mixed media on panel

30x31cm mixed media on panel

60x60cm mixed media on panel

30x35cm mixed media on panel

91x91cm mixed media on canvas

For all enquiries please contact LSG
+44(0) 1872 275757 [email protected]
Odyssey publication
£18 inc p&p

Seeking out new territories has become increasingly important to me, making the working process more diverse and less predictable. Visiting destinations such as New York and Hong Kong has allowed me to paint new subject matter and work in a different way.
There has to be a strong connection with history and local culture as well as visual richness. So although it may not be apparent to the viewer, many layers of information are in my head as new series develop. This somehow seems to influence the mark making and the way paint is applied when I come to start work in the studio.
Left to right: Aegean Series 2, Aegean Series 3, Aegean Series 4
So this idea of a voyage of discovery, a quest for knowledge has become very much part of my working process. My most recent odyssey has taken me in a slightly different direction, to a small group of Islands in the Aegean Sea, The Cyclades.
I first visited this part of the world when I was in my early 20’s and returned year after year. At that time tourism had…
Neil Canning March 2017
Find out more
Neil Canning View publication View exhibition thumbnailsExhibiting from3rd April to3rd June 2017.