Sutton Taylor
Earth Fire Colour
15 x 29cm
13 x 29cm
13 x 28cm
17 x 24cm
15 x 24cm
12 x 29cm
50 x 29cm
43 x 20cm
36 x 23cm
38 x 23cm
42 x 25cm
38 x 28cm
36 x 25cm
59 x 23cm
60 x 25cm
12 x 27cm
12 x 23cm
24 x 41cm
31 x 33cm
52 x 24cm
32 x 23cm
22 x 39cm
10 x 49cm
11 x 49cm
11 x 48cm
12 x 36cm
13 x 37cm
13 x 29cm
14 x 29cm
10 x 29cm
9 x 29cm
15 x 27cm
35 x 21cm
20 x 36cm
For all enquiries please contact LSG
+44(0) 1872 275757 [email protected]
Earth Fire Colour publication
£15 inc p&p
What is Lustreware? In the history of ceramics, Lustreware is defined as 'an iridescent metallic surface used in the decoration of ceramics'.
It is certainly that – but here it is rather more complicated. Historians believe that the technique of combining precious metals and ceramic glazes first emerged in ancient Egypt when glassmakers attempted to make glass vessels resemble solid metal vessels by coating the surfaces in gold or by incorporating gold into the glass. This may well be the case, for glazed pottery is coated in a film of glass.
The word ‘lustre’ derives from the Latin ‘lustrare’ – to illuminate – with connotations of being shining, splendid and brilliant. Throughout history, potters have attempted to revive the technique and have often been brilliantly successful – but alas with breathtaking failure rates. Historical records are full of despair – “only one in a hundred is good” – and consequently the successful pieces were highly prized and extremely costly.
I think I do rather better than one…
Sutton Taylor
Find out more
Sutton Taylor View publication View exhibition thumbnailsExhibiting from8th December to12th January 2019.