LSG presents

Barrie Cook

A Letter to Barrie

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A Letter to Barrie publication

£5 inc p&p

Dear Barrie, all too often I witness artists given recognition by major art institutions much too late in their careers.

I’ve always felt a sense of sadness about this, as most of these artists never get to see their work hanging pride of place. I was delighted when Tate Britain hung one of your paintings from their private collection in celebration of your eightieth birthday over ten years ago. However, in my opinion, this was nowhere near enough. With this in mind, I want to hold this exhibition by way of a tribute to the contribution you have made to the art world during your career, which to date, spans more than 70 years. Your biography is in itself one of the most impressive I have ever seen. You possess more than an abundance of ability to paint. Your work has a sense of deep visual intention. This gives your paintings meditative spirituality and authenticity. A quality most artists never achieve.

I want to thank…

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Barrie Cook
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Exhibiting from14th December to18th January 2020.